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Daily Affirmations for Children with Sensory Differences
Jeanette Loftus
Life can be very challenging for children who struggle with sensory processing disorder. They may struggle with overwhelming sensory input or have difficulties with their self-regulation. Positive daily affirmations can help children with sensory processing disorder.
Affirmations are very powerful positive statements that if repeated they can reinforce the belief and or behavior. When used consistently positive affirmations can be very beneficial for children with sensory differences.
Daily positive affirmations boost a child's self-esteem because they focus on their positive traits. Affirmations can help children see themselves in a positive way and this can improve their confidence.
If you ask your child to repeat daily positive affirmations daily and make them a part of their routine and they start to practice positive thinking than they can focus more on the good things in their life and their personal positive traits.
Daily affirmations for children can change the way a child thinks, help them see things in a more positive way and build their confidence and resilience.
Children feel empowered when they regularly read positive affirmations. They help a child cope with different challenging situations that may arise in their daily life and reduce how often they are feeling anxious. Affirmations can help improve a child's ability to focus and concentrate.
Self-Love Affirmations For Kids
I am proud of myself I am enough I am special I feel supported I believe in myself I am brave I always do my best I am blessed and grateful I am important I can do hard things I am strong
You can tailor your child's daily positive affirmations that are perfect for your child who has sensory processing disorder. When you choose daily affirmations for your child, it's very important to think about their unique needs and sensitivities. Use simple language that they will be able to understand. Try to keep their affirmations easy for your child to understand.
Your child's daily affirmations should focus on their strengths while also focusing on their positive traits. You may want to focus on your certain challenges your child may have. If your child has been struggling often with their sensory overload, you may want to focus more on affirmations that help them feel calm. An example could be "I can stay calm when things are overwhelming for me."
Self-Esteem Ideas For Children Positive affirmations Celebrating achievements Give responsibilities Team sports Positive self-talk Goal setting Remind them of strengths Encourage new things Allow choices Celebrate diversity Encourage self-expression Acts of kindness Focus on passions Praise their efforts Gratitude/appreciation activities
Use visuals around your home for your child to see their affirmations. These would be reminders in your home that they would see regularly. An example would be on a mirror they look into often. Try to make it fun for your child so they enjoy it. You want your child to feel good and enjoy them. You can make it a game or sing songs with them to make it more fun.
Examples of daily affirmations that can help empower your child with sensory processing disorder.
If you would like your child to feel self-Love and acceptance their affirmations could be: - I am very capable - I am strong - I am special and love my body
If you would like to promote your child's sensory regulation their affirmations could be: - I can stay calm when I feel sensory overload - I can manage how I am feeling - I can manage my emotions
If you would like to promote your child's social skills you could use some of these daily affirmations: - I am kind to friends - I can make new friends at school - I am friendly to my friends
If your child need more affirmations for school achievements and their success at school you could use affirmations like these : - I can learn new things each day - I do very well at school - I am a really good listener at school
There are many different affirmations that you can say to your child each day that will boost their confidence and help you connect.
- You give me the best hugs - You are very brave - I can not wait to hear about your day - I know you can do it - You are so kind - It’s okay if you make a mistake - You make me laugh - I will always be there for you - You are very special to me - You are a good problem solver - I love how creative you are - I believe in you - You have a great imagination - I love you - You can do anything you put your mind to - You are very thoughtful - I enjoy spending my time with you - You make me smile everyday - You have great ideas - I believe in you - You do not have to be perfect - You are a great friend
There are many different ways to include daily positive affirmations a part of your child's daily schedule. You need to be consistent for them to be affective. You can start your child's day positively by using affirmations while they are having their breakfast or getting ready to go to school. Ending your child's day with positive affirmations will help them feel calm and they will sleep better.
Positive affirmations can be a very helpful tool for helping your child who struggles with sensory processing differences can build their confidence, get through challenging times and believe in themselves.
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DISCLAIMER: I have learned a lot over the years but I am still learning. Always do your own research and exercise sound judgment. I am not an occupational therapist or a physician. I am an adult who has sensory processing disorder, a sensory parent and a Grandma. The information on this website is not medical advice and does not replace the information that your child's therapists or medical professionals give you. These are just ideas that I have learned myself over the years of being a parent and an adult living with SPD. If you are concerned for your child, please always seek medical attention through a family doctor, pediatrician or therapist. This website is for awareness and support purposes only. Each child is different and what works for one child may not for another because all children have different sensory needs. Please always consult with a professional.
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