Sensory Processing Disorder Parent Support
Sensory Processing Disorder Parent Support

Sensory Processing Disorder Symptoms Adults

Children with sensory differences ... painting the world beautiful.

Sensory Processing Disorder Symptoms Adults 

Jeanette Loftus 

adult who has sensory processing disorder  Sensory Processing Disorder Symptoms Adults
I have struggled with Sensory Processing Disorder my entire life. I can remember being a toddler and how difficult it was for me to wear clothes and how loud everything felt for me and having meltdowns.
Today, I still struggle quite a bit with sensory processing disorder. I am always writing about children and Sensory Processing Disorder because I am a parent to children who have sensory challenges too but it is not often that I write about being an adult who has Sensory Processing Disorder.
I did not know about Sensory Processing Disorder until my daughter's therapist had mentioned it one day. I want to help others be aware of the symptoms because maybe they don't know they have Sensory Processing Disorder too.
Sensory Processing Disorder affects how the brain processes and responds to sensory input. It is commonly associated with children, many adults also live with sensory processing difficulties too as we have had it our entire lives. Due to a lack of awareness and understanding sensory processing disorder in adults often goes undiagnosed and untreated.
Adult sensory differences can greatly impact an individual's life. Some adults may have difficulty with sensory processing in just one or two sensory systems but others may experience significant sensory challenges in multiple sensory systems.
When someone has sensory processing disorder they can be hypersensitivity to sensory input. This means that they may be easily overwhelmed by different sensory sensations like loud noises, bright lights, or strong smells. They may also be highly sensitive to touch and may find different textures or fabrics uncomfortable or even painful.
Other adults with sensory difficulties may experience hyposensitivity which is a decreased sensitivity to sensory input which could be a high pain threshold or a lack of response to sensory input like not feeling hungry or thirsty.
Adults with sensory issues may also struggle with sensory discrimination too which is being able to distinguish between different types of sensory input. This can result in difficulties with balance and coordination and also challenges with fine motor skills, such as writing.
Adult sensory differences can be sensory seeking and this means actively seeking out sensory input like always fidgeting, touching objects or seeking out loud noises. This can be a coping mechanism for those who have difficulties processing sensory information.
Adult Sensory Processing Avoider  Sensory Processing Disorder

Adult Sensory Processing Avoider

Avoids crowds
Struggles with anxiety
Avoids food textures
Dislikes loud sounds
Wears certain clothes
Dislikes scents
Avoids being touched
Enjoys being alone
Hygiene challenges
Sleeping difficulties
Struggles socially

Living with sensory processing difficulties can be challenging and overwhelming for adults. Everyday tasks like getting dressed, cooking or even socializing can become daunting and exhausting. These challenges can also impact a person's mental health because they may feel isolated, misunderstood, and frustrated.
One of the most difficult things about living with sensory challenges as an adult is the lack of understanding and awareness. Most people assume that sensory processing difficulties are only seen in children and may not understand the struggles that adults with sensory processing disorder have to face each day.
This can lead to adults who are struggling to feel shame and embarrassment. This can cause adults who are struggling with their sensory differences to hide their difficulties and avoid seeking help.
It is important for adults with sensory processing disorder to seek support and understanding from their loved ones as well as professional help. Occupational therapy is often recommended for adults too with sensory symptoms. An OT can help adults develop coping strategies and techniques to manage their sensory differences.
Adult Sensory Processing Seeker Sensory Processing Disorder

Adult Sensory Processing Seeker

Enjoys loud music
Risk taker
Constantly moving
Enjoys spicy or sour foods
Chewing on objects
Enjoys strong smells
Loves fair rides
Difficulty sitting still
Craves deep pressure
Enjoys loud events

It can be very difficult for adults with sensory issues in the workplace. Sensory processing difficulties can make it challenging to concentrate, stay organized and complete tasks efficiently and on time. This can lead to difficulties in holding down a job and can negatively impact a persons career and financial stability.
There are steps that employers can take to create a more inclusive and supportive work environment for employees with sensory processing disorder. These include providing a quiet and calm workspace, allowing for flexible work hours, and providing accommodations such as fidgets or noise-canceling headphones.
Sensory processing disorder in adults is real and often an overlooked condition that can greatly impact a person's life. It is so important for society to have a better understanding and awareness of sensory processing differences to create a more inclusive and accepting environment for adults with sensory processing disorder. 
- dislikes smells 
- disorganized 
- accident prone or clumsy
- poor coordination
- sensitive to sounds
- struggles with going to the dentist or doctor
- poor posture
- struggles when plans change 
- sensitive to pain or don't notice pain at all  - twisting and playing with hair
- overwhelmed when shopping in stores
- dislikes touch from others (hugging) 
- unable to tolerate bright lights
- excessively ticklish
- dislikes surprises 
- chews nails 
- difficulty sleeping 
- substance abuse
- low or high energy 
- struggles with motion sickness 
- dislike showers 
- loves scary rides or avoids rides 
- fidgeting and fiddling with things 
- struggles to wear different clothing textures 
- bathing and grooming difficulties
- poor attention
- rocks while sitting 
- refuses to eat some foods due to texture 
- prefers soft and comfortable clothing 
- struggles socially
- difficulty making decisions
- overwhelmed by crowds or large events 
- fear of heights
- fearful of using a elevator or escalator
- inability to ignore types of sensory input
- feeling overwhelmed or agitated
- difficulty understanding why you are upset
- struggles with balance 
- restlessness
- reactive to environments that are overwhelming 
- difficulty sitting still
- poor focus
- difficulties with relationships
- smokes cigarettes 
- needs routine and structure 
- poor problem solving skills
- panic and anxiety  
- struggles to drive or park a vehicle 
- experiences sensory overload 
Sensory Processing Disorder Parent Support 

Sensory Processing Disorder Resources  

Supporting, learning, sharing and growing together.
Super Soft Sensory Friendly Itch-Free Pants For Kids
Screen Time & Sensory Processing Disorder
Types Of Sensory Processing Disorder
Sensory Life Skill Benefits of Cooking and Baking
DISCLAIMER: I have learned a lot over the years but I am still learning. Always do your own research and exercise sound judgment. I am not an occupational therapist or a physician. I am an adult who has sensory processing disorder, a sensory parent and a Grandma. The information on this website is not medical advice and does not replace the information that your child's therapists or medical professionals give you. These are just ideas that I have learned myself over the years of being a parent and an adult living with SPD. If you are concerned for your child, please always seek medical attention through a family doctor, pediatrician or therapist. This website is for awareness and support purposes only. Each child is different and what works for one child may not for another because all children have different sensory needs. Please always consult with a professional. 
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