Olfactory Sensory Toys & Tools for Sensory Processing Disorder 

Our sense of smell (olfactory processing) helps us to navigate our surroundings, remember past experiences, and even determine what is safe to eat. Children with sensory or developmental differences, olfactory processing may not come as naturally or easily. This is where sensory olfactory tools for children can be very helpful and beneficial.

Olfactory processing can be very challenging for children with sensory differences. They may have an aversion to certain smells or struggle to identify them. This can impact their daily activities, leading to difficulties in social situations or avoiding certain environments.

There are many olfactory tools that are available to help children with sensory differences develop and improve their olfactory processing skills. 

These tools are often designed as toys or activities, are specifically geared towards stimulating the sense of smell and promoting sensory exploration.

A common olfactory tool is a sensory bin, filled with different scents and objects. Children can use their sense of smell to identify and sort the various scents, which can be anything from essential oils to herbs. This activity can help them become more aware of different smells and how they make them feel.

Another very common olfactory tool for kids are the use of scented playdough or sensory putty. S
cented playdough are available in many scents, such as lavender, citrus, and chocolate, and can be used for tactile and olfactory sensory exploration. Playing with scented playdough can help children with sensory differences become more comfortable with different smells and textures.

There are so many sensory olfactory toys available, such as scented stickers, markers, paints and scratch-and-sniff cards. These tools not only provide a fun and interactive way for children to explore different scents, but also help with language development as they learn to associate words with different smells.

There are also sensory activities that parents can include into their daily sensory diet and routines to help with olfactory processing. Having children help in the kitchen and smelling different herbs and spices can be a great way to expose them to new smells and encourage their curiosity.

Sensory olfactory tools can be beneficial for all children, as well as adults, in promoting overall sensory exploration and development. Including these tools and activities into daily routines, parents can help their children develop a stronger sense of smell and become more comfortable with different smells.

Olfactory tools for children are an important aspect of sensory processing and can greatly benefit those with sensory differences. These tools not only provide fun and engaging activities for children, but also help them become more comfortable and aware of different smells. 


68 Sheets Scratch and Sniff Stickers with 17 Different Scents Best Choice for Kids
Play is also the process of children's cognition of the world. Choose the most valuable toys for children, such as our scratch and sniff stickers.

In the lovely design elements, add the motivational word and aroma elements, play, watch and smell, three in one, really great fun. 

Crayola Silly Scents, Washable Scented Markers, 12 Ct
Crayola silly scents combines fragrant scents in a cool, colorful line of crayons, markers and colored pencils! Each aromatic art tool comes ready to scribble and sniff. The 12-count pack of chisel tip markers adds Grape, fresh air, cotton candy, tropical punch, coconut and root beer to the original 6 scents. The durable chisel style tip can deliver delicious fine lines and rich, thick ones too. Comes in a delightful character Pack. 






DISCLAIMER: I am not an Occupational Therapist. I am an adult who has Sensory Processing Disorder, a sensory parent and a Grandma. The information on this website is not medical advice and does not replace the information that your child's therapists give you. These are just ideas and information that I have learned myself over the years of being a parent and an adult living with SPD. If you are concerned for your child, please always seek medical attention through a family doctor, pediatrician or therapist. This website is for suggestions and informational purposes only. Each child is different and what works for one child may not for another because all children have different needs. Please always consult with a professional.

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