Here are over 40 sensory friendly haircutting tips and ideas to help you along the way. This is a very big list. You don't have to do every suggestion or idea.
These are just some ideas that may be helpful for you and your child. Do what works for your child and is best for you.
1. When cutting your child's hair at home you can also do a little at a time. Plan a weekend hair cut. A weekend at home when you can do a few trims here and there until it is completed.
2. Ask your child if they would prefer to stand or sit during their hair cut. You want them to feel comfortable and in a position that feels most relaxing to them.
3. Ask to have an exact time for your child's appointment. This will cut down on wait times that can cause anxiety for your child while they are waiting. This will avoid a sensory meltdown.
4. Swimming goggles during hair washing and cutting can make things go a lot smoother.
5. Get to know your hair stylist and explain ahead of time your child's struggles and fears.
6. Ear plugs for kids that are sensitive to noise or water in their ears.
7. Have your child meet your hair stylist before their hair cut. It is always easier for your child to know who is going to be cutting their hair before their appointment.
8. Bring a change of clothes because a child with Autism or Sensory Processing Disorder may not like the feel of their hair on there bodies and clothes. When their hair cut is finished it can feel itchy and they may want to change there clothes.
9. When your child doesn't like having their hair brushed there's several brushes that can make it so much easier for them. Have them choose a brush that feels good for them and you can even take it along to the salon with you. Knot Genie & Wet Brush are the most popular.
10. Have fun with it! There's so many apps that they can have on their iPads that they can add their photo and try many different styles and colors and will make it more fun for your child. Play along and add your photo for different styles too.