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Children with sensory differences ... painting the world beautiful.
Rainbow Stacker Toy Benefits
Jeanette Loftus
This week as I was shopping for sensory toys online I decided to take a peak to see what was available on Amazon. I came across the stackable rainbows so many times and my curiosity got the best of me because I have been seeing so many kids playing with them and I ordered one.
If I am being honest, I am fascinated by the stackable rainbow because it is so neat and has so many benefits for children! It is so neat that I decided to write an article for those who haven't purchased a stackable rainbow yet. As with everything, there are several brands available online with Grimm's being the most popular.
Sensory rainbow stackers are a simple sensory toy that are created to stimulate the senses and help individuals with sensory processing difficulties to develop and strengthen their sensory processing skills.
The rainbow stacker is a set of brightly colored rings that can be stacked on top of each other and form a rainbow. Each ring in the rainbow stacker is of a different size, color, and texture, providing a variety of sensory experiences for children. I have seen children build marble runs with their stackable rainbow toys and I have also seen it used by parents and teachers as a learning tool too for math.
A sensory benefit to using sensory rainbow stackers is because it promotes sensory exploration for children. The different colors, sizes, and textures of the rings encourages children to touch and manipulate the sensory toy.
This will help children develop fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. A child can experiment with different ways of stacking the rainbow stacker rings and learn new problem-solving skills and creativity skills too. Sensory rainbow stacking toys for children can be a great tool for fine motor skills, learning and muscle control.
Sensory rainbow stackers can improve your child's visual perception. The colors are so bright and the different size rainbow stacker rings make it visually stimulating which is great for your child's visual tracking and discrimination skills. This is beneficial for children with visual processing difficulties. When your child stacks the rainbow stacker rings they are learning developing their visual-motor skills.
The bright and beautiful colors of this wooden or plastic rainbow can help boost your child's imagination, creativity and provide hours of open-ended play for them. A significant benefit of the sensory rainbow stacker is how calming it can be on your child's nervous system.
The repetitive and rhythmic action of stacking the rainbow stacker rings can be so soothing for children and help them regulate their emotions and calm down. The rainbow stacker is a great sensory tool for self-regulation. Rainbow stacker is a Waldorf-inspired multi-used toy for toddlers, kids and are used by adults too.
Most sensory rainbow stacker toys have rings that are made of different materials that provide different tactile sensory input for children. There are rainbow stacker rings that are smooth and some that are textured. This can be beneficial for children who have tactile defensiveness.
The sensory rainbow stacker is a very versatile sensory tool that can be used in many different sensory activities. The sensory rainbow stacker rings can also be used for sorting, matching or as a puzzle.
I was surprised when I learned of the long list of benefits for children when they play with sensory stackable rainbow toys.
DISCLAIMER: I have learned a lot over the years but I am still learning. Always do your own research and exercise sound judgment. I am not an occupational therapist or a physician. I am an adult who has sensory processing disorder, a sensory parent and a Grandma. The information on this website is not medical advice and does not replace the information that your child's therapists or medical professionals give you. These are just ideas that I have learned myself over the years of being a parent and an adult living with SPD. If you are concerned for your child, please always seek medical attention through a family doctor, pediatrician or therapist. This website is for awareness purposes only. Each child is different and what works for one child may not for another because all children have different sensory needs. Please always consult with a medical professional. Click on links throughout each page for more resources and information. Click here for more resources
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