Sensory Processing Disorder Parent Support
Sensory Processing Disorder Parent Support

Sensory Benefits of Pediatric Occupational Therapy 

Children with sensory differences ... painting the world beautiful.  

Sensory Benefits of Pediatric Occupational Therapy 

Jeanette Loftus

autistic child with sensory processing disorder climbing climbing wall in therapy Sensory Benefits of Pediatric Occupational Therapy
Pediatric occupational therapy focuses on helping children learn new skills to improve their functioning.

Pediatric occupational therapy is very beneficial for children who struggle with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Autism, Sensory Processing Disorder and other developmental delays.

There are a lot of benefits for children who go to pediatric occupational therapy such as sensory processing, hygiene, fine/gross motor skills, self-regulation coping skills, toileting, feeding, creating a sensory diets for sensory processing and executive functioning.

Pediatric occupational therapists work with children who have a lot of different challenges and needs. OT's use several different techniques, tools and toys to help children improve skills and learn new ways to cope.
child with sensory processing disorder sensory diet activity for OT benefits of pediatric occupational therapy
Benefits of Pediatric Occupational Therapy
- social and play skills
- sensory processing and sensory diet
- improves executive functioning
- fine, visual and gross motor skills
- feeding and toileting
- self-regulation and coping skills
- dressing, hygiene and self-care

Pediatric occupational therapy can help a child who struggles with sensory processing disorder. They can help children with all challenges from their eight senses.

An OT can help a child learn how to brush their teeth, wash their hands and have a bath.

Fine motor skills
An occupational therapist can help a child develop the motor skills they need for writing, drawing or using scissors.

Visual and gross motor skills
A pediatric OT can help a child develop the coordination and balance they need for walking, running or sports.

Executive functioning
A pediatric occupational therapist can help a child develop the skills they need to plan, organize and carry out tasks.

An OT can also help your child learn how to manage their emotions and behavior. Teach them new ways to cope.

Social and play skills
OT's can teach children how to interact with other children and be more socially involved during play activities with friends.

Coping skills
An occupational therapist can teach a child new sensory strategies for coping with anxiety or new situations.

Toileting & Potty Training
OT's can assist you with potty training and helping your child use the toilet independently on their own.

Dressing & self-care skills
Occupational therapists can teach your child how to get dressed by themselves.

A pediatric OT can show your child new ways to cope and teach them to eat independently.

Red Flags When Your Child Is In Therapy  Sensory Processing Disorder

Red Flags When Your Child Is In Therapy

If they’re rude or unprofessional
Parents can’t attend sessions
Your child won’t participate
Forced eye contact
Not making progress
Disregarding child’s needs
Not qualified
Child talks negatively
Refusing to go
Arrives late or cancels often
Regressed behavior
Not interested in your goals
Shames or judges you
Shares other clients information

Pediatric occupational therapists can help children develop good hygiene skills. This may include teaching new coping skills to children when they are brushing their teeth, washing their hands and using the bathroom by themselves. They can work with parents to develop a routine for their children and a schedule that encourages good hygiene skills for their child.  
Fine motor skills are when your child using their small muscles like in their hands and fingers and gross motor skills are when they use their larger muscles like in their arms or legs. Pediatric occupational therapy can help your child develop fine motor and gross motor skills through sensory activities that encourage coordination, balance and strength.

Why Is Getting A Diagnosis Important?

Therapy referrals
Sense of belonging
Financial support
Understanding needs
Successful intervention
Peer support
Celebrate identity
Access resources

Why Is Getting A Diagnosis Important?  Sensory Processing Disorder
Executive functioning refers to the cognitive processes that help us plan, organize and complete tasks everyday. A child who struggles with developmental delays, ADHD, Autism or Sensory Processing Disorder may experience executive functioning challenges. This can make it harder for a child to finish a task. Occupational therapy can help a child to develop and improve their executive functioning skills with different activities that encourage problem solving, planning and organization.
Self-regulation is the way that our children manage their our emotions, attention and their behaviors. A child who struggles with sensory processing disorder, autism or ADHD may have challenges with self-regulation. This can cause them to have difficulties in social situations and school settings. An OT can help your child to develop self-regulation skills through different activities that will encourage emotional awareness and self-control.

After Your Child’s Diagnosis

Seek support
Focus on self-care
Lean on friends/family
Prepare questions
Seek services
Process feelings
Keep organized
Ask for help
Prioritize mental health
Avoid isolation

After Your Child’s Diagnosis Sensory Processing Disorder ADHD Autism
An OT will teach your child new coping skills and new strategies to use when in difficult situations, feeling overwhelmed and anxious. Children who experience sensory processing disorder often struggle with coping skills too.
A pediatric occupational therapist can help your child develop good toileting and self-care skills such as how to use the bathroom independently or how to get dressed.
Feeding difficulties can be quite common with children who have sensory processing disorder. Occupational therapy can help your child develop good feeding habits using different activities that encourage oral motor skills, sensory integration and routines for meals.
A sensory diet are planned sensory activities that are scheduled throughout the day to keep your child regulated. They are sensory activities that are planned just for your child and their personal sensory needs. These daily planned sensory activities will give your child the sensory input they need to feel calm and focused throughout the day.
Occupational therapy can help your child improve in a lot of different ways and therapy can be very beneficial for them. If you are concerned about your child and think they may need occupational therapy, please talk to your child's pediatrician.  
Sensory Processing Disorder Parent Support 

Sensory Processing Disorder Resources  

Supporting, learning, sharing and growing together.
Sensory Processing Symptoms Checklist
Mindful Breathing Activities For Kids
Sensory Processing & Autism Chewelry Chew Tools
Sensory Processing Disorder Clothing Strategies
DISCLAIMER: I have learned a lot over the years but I am still learning. Always do your own research and exercise sound judgment. I am not an occupational therapist or a physician. I am an adult who has sensory processing disorder, a sensory parent and a Grandma. The information on this website is not medical advice and does not replace the information that your child's therapists or medical professionals give you. These are just ideas that I have learned myself over the years of being a parent and an adult living with SPD. If you are concerned for your child, please always seek medical attention through a family doctor, pediatrician or therapist. This website is for awareness and support purposes only. Each child is different and what works for one child may not for another because all children have different sensory needs. Please always consult with a professional. 
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