Children may have a fear of a person, a person, places, animals, bugs or situations. An event or object is often what triggers them to be anxious. All children fear the same things but it's how much they fear and the amount of anxiety they are feeling that makes these fears problematic. Children with phobias feel fear so strongly that it can disrupt their routine, often times impede their ability to concentrate or enjoy activities.
These children will cling to their parents, cry and be very fearful. There are several common phobias children may have like bloodwork, spiders, bugs, heights, thunder and lightening, flying or travel away from home, enclosed spaces or animals.
It can be very difficult for some children because they struggle with fears and anxieties, especially when it comes to specific phobias. A specific phobia is an excessive and irrational fear of a particular object or situation. This fear is so severe that it interferes with a child’s life and can cause extreme distress.
It is so important for parents to understand the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for specific phobia in children to help their child overcome their fears. Children with specific phobias may show a lot to little symptoms, they can experience mild or severe symptoms. It can be different for every child.